Research Labs


MechLav is one of the industrial research laboratories of the Ferrara Tecnopolo, specialized in the fields of mechatronics and engines, innovation in services and digitalisation.

It is accredited by the Emilia-Romagna Region and is part of the High Technology Network, a network of accredited public and private organisations, universities and research centres.

Intermech - MoRe

It offers companies specialized industrial research services on the design and development of new industrial products and processes; promotes and coordinates intersectoral studies and research in the field of Advanced Mechanics and Motor Engineering and carries out related research activities (also in the ICT, Materials and Surfaces, Mechatronics, Industrial Design sectors), also proposing itself as an interlocutor for Public Bodies for the creation of Technopoles in the provinces of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

Siteia - Parma

SITEIA.PARMA is a laboratory of ideas, projects and analyzes for innovation, competitiveness and technological transfer for the agri-food and food mechanics industry.


TekneHub is one of the industrial research laboratories of the Ferrara Tecnopolo with specialization in the fields of intervention on existing built heritage, restoration, advanced survey and integrated diagnostics, digitalisation of the supply chain, technology of ceramic and metallic materials, diagnostics of the work of art, of high-efficiency integrated building-plant systems, sustainable use of environmental and hydrogeological resources, of the sanitization of highly sterile environments, of industrial product design and of the development of prototypes according to a User Centered Design approach, Inclusive Design, Human-Machine Interface and User Experience.